The BSP is likely to increase rates again by 0.25% in June, according to BSP Governor Benjamin Diokno. Market Observer May 19 to May 25, 2022: Global and Philippine Market Update
Global Markets
Global Stocks gained as cheaper valuations provided an attractive buying opportunity. However, fear of recession and slower growth may temper any major rallies.
Philippine Stocks
Philippine Stocks retreat as foreign investors shift away from the Philippines towards developed markets.
Philippine Bonds
Philippine Bond Yields with maturity of 10 years and greater increased by an average of 0.17% after the latest 10-year government auction.
FWD Guidance: Uncertainty leads to downside risks, but diversification and a long-term investment horizon still provide the best chance for financial success.
Sources: (1) (2 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
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