Money and Insurance

Investment decisions you should be making in your 30s

This is the best time to seriously plan and secure your future. Your investment and financial decisions now will be the foundation of your retirement.

Mabel Marquez

One of the more important things you need to really get serious about by the time you’re in your 30s is securing your financial wellbeing. You can do that by making wise financial and investment decisions because what you do now will affect your future.

For those who’ve never made any investments at all, the thought of putting your hard-earned money in something that doesn’t guarantee a win can be terrifying. But this fear shouldn’t stop you from trying, because the higher the risk, the bigger the reward. Besides, there is more to gain than to lose (and no, it’s not just experience) in making an investment—as long as you do your homework and find a trusted expert who knows the pros and cons of investing.

Alongside making investments is protecting the future you’re building. Make sure you insure yourself and your family from the unexpected costs of getting sick, accidents, and death.

Here are some smart investment decisions you should make in your 30s that’ll financially set up your retirement years.


1.Plan your retirement.

Why would you start planning for your retirement when you haven’t even peaked in your career yet? Because the earlier you start putting together your retirement plan, the more you’ll be able to secure your finances, the better you can take care of your health, and the more you can enjoy your life ahead. Look into long-term investments with small but guaranteed returns. Remember, the key word is long term.


2. Get an insurance plan.

Most people in their 30s make the mistake of saving up only to see their entire retirement fund siphoned by medical bills. Protect yourself and your family from future expenses by getting insurance plans that will cover unexpected events like critical illness, accident, or death.

Insurance plans such as FWD Life Insurance’s Set for Life gives you protection and invests your money in financial instruments according to your appetite for risk. Plus, you can get add-ons that’ll cover critical illness treatment and even hospitalization.


3. Build your investment portfolio.

Stocks and bonds are usually the first things that come to mind when you think of a major investment, and for very good reason. People that are able to handle and manage such investment can enjoy a huge payoff. The biggest advantage of investing in your 30s is you still have time to recover successfully from any market setback. So think long term.

Still, it wouldn’t be advisable for you to just jump on the bandwagon without truly understanding what options are available for you. Set up a session with an FWD financial advisor who can take a look at your risk tolerance, check your needs, and advise you on the investments that’ll be good for you. Set an appointment now here.


4. Invest in things that will appreciate in value.

Saving up for the future does not necessarily mean buying cheaper so you can save more. Investment is not just about stocks and bonds—it’s also about making purchases that can appreciate in value over time. Like real estate, which gives you the option to convert it to cash later on should you decide to sell or lease it out.

Believe it or not, jewelry is another good piece of investment. Gold and diamonds have real value that you can pawn or sell should you need to. Items like watches, designer bags, and artworks can also appreciate in value over time—but they are trickier to buy since not all brands and artworks will increase in value.

Just remember, though, that this shouldn’t be a license for you to splurge. They are meant to be investments—so approach and treat them as such. Do not make the purchase if it will only burden you with debt, and don’t use them indiscriminately because their overall condition will affect their future value.


5. Think long-term.

Always be smart with your purchases and always think of what they will amount to over time. When buying, think of future uses. A cheap item that you will only use for a short time or just once or twice is just a waste of money compared to a more expensive item like a top-quality coffee maker (to make you spend less outside) or a good piece of suit for formal occasions that you’ll be able to use many times. It’s savings in the long-run.

One of the best options out there for long term investing is getting an investment-linked insurance like FWD Manifest. It protects you and grows your wealth at the same time. It gives you bonuses and rewards you for investing more for longer because success doesn’t happen overnight but over time. FWD Manifest is a great plan if your goal is to build your wealth for your child’s education or retirement.

They say you’re most likely to feel like you’re at a crossroads when you get to your 30s. You’re at the tail end of your happy-go-lucky 20s and at the cusp of true adulting. While this can cause much confusion and uncertainty, it’s also the most important time to set the wheels in motion and build the foundation for your future. Click here for financial guidance from an FWD financial advisor.