Health and Fitness

5 ways to start a better health and lead a better quality of life

No matter where you are on your health journey, it’s still possible to turn your life around and achieve physical wellbeing to get more out of life.

By Kaydee dela Buena

Life is short, so live it well. The best way to fulfill this promise is by protecting your health. After all, you must be in tiptop shape holistically to achieve your life goals. Different people take different approaches to fitness and self-care. However, what most people do not realize is that health comprises a myriad of things that are interconnected. Total wellbeing is a function of four factors—physical, emotional and mental, financial and social—that work together.

The key is to achieve balance on all fronts. For example, a poor mental disposition can take a toll on your physical wellbeing. Meanwhile, if your physical wellbeing falls short, it can affect your mental and social wellbeing. Not taking care of your financial wellbeing, on the other hand, can put a toll on your mental health. It’s all connected.

Taking care of one aspect of health is the first step to realizing a more comprehensive health goal. Here are 5 universal guiding principles to total wellbeing and better health.


1. Aim for a healthy diet.

A healthy diet provides all the nutrition your body needs to function well. It entails eating the correct portions of carbs, fats, fiber, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water. You need to consume at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day, preferably not processed.

Celebrity Megan Young, who recently released a vlog with FWD Life Insurance to spread financial literacy and tips for living a more vibrant life, says what works for her is living an overall healthy lifestyle rather than dieting. She reveals that she eats 80% healthy food and the rest she indulges in her favorites.

Water is also crucial to a healthy diet. It helps regulate body temperature, flushes out toxins, and aids the digestive system. Do away with soft drinks and juices, which are full of sugar. The age-old tip is that you must drink eight glasses of water daily. However, remember that water is available from other sources such as fruits and vegetables.


2. Start exercising.

No matter what activity you prefer doing—whether it’s walking, jogging, boxing or other sports—what matters is that you’re active. Do activities that you enjoy and fit your current state of physical wellbeing. It means you should challenge your body but not overwork or push it beyond its limits.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity during the day. According to a 2016 study in Lancet Journal, even an hour of brisk walking can offset the harmful effects of sitting all day. The lack of physical activity compounded by excessive sitting poses a higher risk of heart disease. No matter how busy you are, try to integrate something physical into your daily routine.


3. Be productive at work.

Yes, work is considered a principle of good health. Working offers the opportunity for further development. Whether at school or at the office, you are training your mind and honing your skills. Here, you can feel engaged, challenged, and stimulated. Work is beneficial to both your mind and emotional wellbeing. According to the Academy of Management Journal, working offers a channel for pride (in healthy amounts) and a sense of effectiveness and purpose. Take note, however, that too much work can be counterproductive. It can cause stress, anxiety, and it can lead you to a spiral. Make sure to aim for a work-life balance.


4. Don't forget to rest.

Going hand-in-hand with work is rest. Give your body the time to recuperate from the day’s activities. If you need to take a nap and file a day of leave after an exceptionally strenuous week, then do so. Also, remember the required hours of quality sleep (around 6 to 8 every night) and learn to unplug from your gadgets.


5. Employ a positive mindset.

Your mental wellbeing and emotional wellbeing need an equal amount of attention to your physical wellbeing. Positive thoughts and emotions have a direct effect on your body so be mindful of what you say to yourself and the messages you receive from others. Focus on the positive.

By following these five guiding principles, you can avoid many of life’s stresses. However, while you can do your best to prevent sickness, you must be prepared when it happens.


Offering peace of mind and financial security, insurance becomes a means to help you achieve health and financial wellbeing.

FWD Life Insurance’s Set for Health provides insurance coverage against major and minor critical illnesses. You can claim up to 3x for unrelated major critical illnesses and get an additional 20% coverage for minor critical illnesses on top of other benefits. A variant of FWD’s Set for Health is also available via

Health is true wealth. Set an appointment with an FWD financial advisor to learn more.