Corporate governance

Setting a tone from the top

Setting a tone from the top

Our performance

We take pride in our strong financial position and sound framework of governance. Take a look at our reports.

Annual Reports

Our company policies

As we are committed to observing the highest codes of professional ethics and in order to “do the right things right” in every situation encountered, The FWD Code of Ethics and Business Conduct reminds FWD directors, officers, employees and distributors that all actions and decisions should be measured against high ethical standards. We’re also proud to be guided by the following principles: act with honesty and integrity; be informed and act responsibly; be open and clear; act with professionalism and respect; and be socially and environmentally responsible.

Click here to view our code of ethics and business conduct

It is important to have a culture of honesty, which includes our ability to speak up when we feel that something is wrong. If ever we observe or suspect a violation of our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct or something that may be a threat to FWD’s integrity and our reputation, the Whistleblower policy covers the confidential, secure, and if necessary, anonymous way to report concerns so that management can take appropriate action. 

FWD group-wide has engaged an independent third-party service provider, Convercent, with an enterprise-wide platform that enables stakeholders: directors, officers, employees, financial advisers, business partners, third-party suppliers, and the public to raise issues online and by calling a hotline number or by reporting the concerns through its website.


Reports may be made by:

FWD Philippines has a Conflict of Interest Policy that sets out the approach to identifying, avoiding, disclosing and managing actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest that can arise between and among employees, distributors, and contractors with FWD and/or its customers. Consistent with FWD’s guiding business principles and “Doing the Right Things Right”, FWD employees and distributors have a responsibility to act ethically, comply with relevant laws and to avoid potential, perceived and actual conflicts of interest wherever possible. Conflicts must be identified and declared so that any necessary action can be taken to manage or to avoid the conflict altogether.
FWD Philippines rejects bribery and corruption as a way of building business, regardless of the identity, or position of the originator or recipient of the bribe. FWD has implemented a Gifts & Entertainment and Anti-Bribery Policy (GEAB Policy) which provides guidance on what gifts and entertainment are acceptable to help ensure that both employees and FWD live up to FWD’s business principles and comply with applicable regulatory requirements.
We ensure that Related Party Transactions (RPT) are conducted in the regular course of business and not undertaken on more favorable economic terms in favor of related parties. In line with this, the Company established a Board Level RPT Committee that ensures RPTs are handled with prudence and integrity, they are fair, at arm’s-length, and compliant with applicable laws and regulations. RPTs, and other applicable filings required by the Insurance Commission, are properly disclosed in our audited financial statements.
FWD Philippines believes in operating with high standards of conduct being central to its long-term success and underpins its ability to serve customers. It is committed to effective complaints management by managing complaints in an accountable, transparent, timely and fair manner. The Complaints Policy is designed to ensure that the concerns raised are treated seriously and are addressed promptly and fairly. Feedback received is taken as a means to enable service improvement. 
As we promote a culture of honesty and to preserve the integrity of FWD, Insider dealing is strictly prohibited. The Personal Insider Dealing (PID) Policy sets a guide of due care to the employees and individuals who have access to non-public material information to the Company which can compromise any deal or counsels or procures another to deal in the listed securities or their derivatives of the Company for unfair advantage or financial gain.

Data subject’s privacy is a priority for FWD Philippines. Its Data Privacy Policy outlines its commitment to collect, process and use data subject’s personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations on data privacy. In processing personal data, the company seeks to adhere to the general privacy principles of transparency, legitimate purpose and proportionality and such relevant principles as required by law.

FWD Philippines has created a Data Protection Office composed of the Data Protection Officer, Compliance Officer for Privacy, Legal Officer for Privacy, Information Security Team, and representatives from all departments called the Data Privacy Champions. The Office aims to ensure proper management of personal data across the Company.

Report a concern

Speaking up