
10 earthquake survival tips you need to know

Three earthquakes that struck that Philippines in 2022 bring into focus earthquake preparedness. Here’s what to do to stay safe.

FWD Life Philippines

In July this year, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck northern Luzon with Abra as epicenter. At least five people were killed, 130 injured, and caused $687 million of infrastructure damage in northern Luzon.

In October, another earthquake struck Abra—a 6.4-magnitude in Dolores injured at least 26 people. Just the month before, at the end of September, a 5.3 earthquake hit Cortes, Surigao del Sur.

These three earthquakes bring into focus what we can do to prepare for such what-if events in our lives, because what often stands between death and survival is an ounce of preparation and presence of mind. Here are 10 tips that may save your life and your family.

  1. Train your family on earthquake safety.

Learn what to do when an earthquake strikes. Teach them to know the safe places in a room where they can immediately take shelter like under a strong desk or stout doorway. Organize earthquake drills especially with the children. Make sure that everyone in the family knows first aid. Tell them fast action is key. After the earthquake, immediately check for injuries and damage. If a person is bleeding, use a clean cloth and apply direct pressure on the wound. Do not move seriously injured persons—call an ambulance immediately.

  1. Pack a bug out bag.

A bug out bag derives its name from the bail-out bag carried by military aviators. It contains everything you need to survive on your own for at least 72 hours. If you can make one for each family member, do so. It should include a first-aid kit, some medical supplies, bottled water, and canned goods. Also, have a battery-operated flashlight, extra batteries, disposable lighters, and blankets on standby. Keep them in accessible places and make sure everyone knows where they are and that they should get them when emergency strikes.

  1. Be aware of danger spots.

If you have a mirror on the wall over your bed, move it. Secure heavy furniture that could fall on you like bookcases. Keep heavy objects in the bottom shelves.

  1. Don’t forget the golden rule: drop, cover, and hold.

If you are indoors and the shaking begins, DROP under a sturdy desk or a doorway, press your face against your arm to COVER your eyes and head, and HOLD on to the desk that you are taking cover under. Stay away from windows, which can shatter and shower you with shards.

  1. Stay on the bed.

If there isn’t anything that can fall on you, stay on the bed, hold on to something solid, and protect your head with a pillow. Studies show that people who were injured during earthquakes would have avoided injuries if they had only stayed on the bed.

  1. Go to open areas. 

When you are outside, your only goal is to not have anything fall on you. So head to an open area where no objects can fall on you. Move away from buildings, trees, and power lines.

  1. Stay inside the car.

The car can actually be a good shield. If you’re driving when the earthquake happens, quickly but carefully move away from traffic, get to an open area, and stop. Do not stop under light posts or trees. Stay inside your car until the ground stops shaking.

  1. Plan an escape route.

In case there is a power outage and everything goes pitch-black inside the house, plan an escape route that will direct your family to a safe place. Use glow-in-the-dark stickers that will show family members the way to safety.

  1. Plan for an alternative mode of communication.

When disaster strikes, communication and power lines will be out for a few days. Prepare for this and come up with alternative modes of communication for your family. Invest in a battery-operated or cranked radio and walkie-talkies. 

We cannot predict what will happen to us when natural disaster strikes. An earthquake, a typhoon, flooding or landslide is beyond our control. What we can control, though, is how well we prepare (as much as we can) for a disaster as it happens—and how well we can protect our family if we don’t survive it.


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